NORTH Link’s Jobs Victoria Employment Service (JVES) team and Caravan Industry Project Team recently attended the 2022 Melbourne Jobs Fair which was supported by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment

The JVES team had a very productive day assisting jobseekers with resume and cover letter writing advice, and tips on succeeding in interviews. “Some resumes were forwarded to employers on the day and we hope that these vacancies will soon be filled by the jobseekers that we referred. We also helped over 80 jobseekers with advice and some have registered with our services for further assistance with their employment journey,” said Diane Sardo, JVES Project Manager.NORTH Link was able to reconnect with other organisations in support of jobseekers, further strengthening collaboration to cater to our wider community.Caravan Industry Project Manager Sue Logan was equally upbeat about the benefit of NORTH Link’s involvement in the Jobs Fair.“Many jobseekers were interested in our project, which provides five weeks of paid work preparation before participants take up jobs in the booming caravan manufacturing industry,” she said. Sue and her team explained the features of the project to interested jobseekers and have received applications for the next intake, which starts on Monday 11 July.NORTH Link was well received by the jobseekers and emails of appreciation for our advice and support are still coming through. It was a rewarding day for all involved and hopefully provided jobseekers with an opportunity to find their perfect job.